- All
- Leadership Team
- Audit & Supervisory Board Member
- Business Development
- Engineer
- Corporate
Leadership Team
Representative Director Co-Founder & CEOMasatoshi Nagasaki
Executive Vice PresidentKenji Yasuno
Head of Business Development / COOKeita Ito
Head of Engineering / CTOTetsuya Honda
Outside DirectorTohru Akaura
Outside DirectorKo Ogasawara
Head of Launch ServiceMia Lee
Head of ISS Internal Platform BusinessShuji Yamazaki
Head of ISS External Platform BusinessRyo Yoshizawa
Head of People and Organizational DesignKensuke Terashima
Corporate Auditor
Corporate AuditorSayaka Oyama
Corporate AuditorKendo Watanabe
Corporate AuditorKenichi Koyanagi
Business Development
Manager / EngineerTadahiko Sano
Manager / EngineerYuki Toyoshima
Manager / EngineerSatoru Nakahara
Senior EngineerAkihiro Wakimura
Senior EngineerTetsuro Mizuno
Manager/Business DevelopmentDaisuke Takahashi
Manager/EducationShinichiro Nishi
Business DevelopmentKyohei Akaizawa
EngineerKyoichi Akiyama
Business DevelopmentMakoto (Mark) Itagaki
EducationMomori Imamura
EngineerYoichi Imai
Business DevelopmentDavid Ueno
EngineerHidetaka Okada
ISS Platform BusinessShoki Kawata
ISS Platform BusinessTomohiro Kawano
Launch ServiceTomohiro Kitayama
Business DevelopmentTsunekazu Kimura
Launch ServiceRyota Kubo
Business DevelopmentHiroshi Kurihara
EngineerKohei Kojima
EngineerShun Sakamoto
EngineerTakaya Sakurai
Launch ServiceShogo Suzuki
EngineerYuya Suzuki
Business DevelopmentYudai Sumino
EngineerKazuyuki Takao
EngineerMasahiro Takakusagi
Business DevelopmentKohei Takami
Business DevelopmentKenta Tsutsui
Launch ServiceMitoko Nagaoka
Launch ServiceNatsumi Nakai
Business Development / EngineerHoshiko Nakata
ISS Platform BusinessYukiko Nishimura
EngineerToru Haraguchi
EngineerYuko Harada
EducationKana Hibi
Launch ServiceYosuke Hoshino
EngineerTakumi Horiuchi
EducationKosuke Maeda
EngineerKazuya Mozumi
Launch ServiceYuichiro Yamada
Business DevelopmentHirokazu Yokoyama
EngineerShinnosuke Yoshida
EngineerMitsunori Yonemaru
Public Relations & RecruitingHaruna Iizuka
AccoutingMasayuki Usui
AccountingTakeshi Oishi
AccountingNorihide Kanehara
AccountingShizume Ono
DesignerDaisuke Sugimoto
General affairs & AccountingKentaro Suzuki
RecruitingMinako Noguchi
AccountingSatoshi Hagihara
ITHiroshi Hara
Public Relations & RecruitingMako Fukuda
Business Advisor Business DevelopmentRyuichi Sato
Brand AdvisorHiroto Hori
Leadership Team
Representative Director Co-Founder & CEOMasatoshi Nagasaki
Executive Vice PresidentKenji Yasuno
Head of Business Development / COOKeita Ito
Head of Engineering / CTOTetsuya Honda
Outside DirectorTohru Akaura
Outside DirectorKo Ogasawara
Corporate Auditor
Corporate AuditorSayaka Oyama
Corporate AuditorKendo Watanabe
Corporate AuditorKenichi Koyanagi
Leadership Team
Head of Business Development / COOKeita Ito
Head of Launch ServiceMia Lee
Head of ISS Internal Platform BusinessShuji Yamazaki
Head of ISS External Platform BusinessRyo Yoshizawa
Business Development
Manager/Business DevelopmentDaisuke Takahashi
Manager/EducationShinichiro Nishi
Business DevelopmentKyohei Akaizawa
Business DevelopmentMakoto (Mark) Itagaki
EducationMomori Imamura
Business DevelopmentDavid Ueno
ISS Platform BusinessShoki Kawata
ISS Platform BusinessTomohiro Kawano
Launch ServiceTomohiro Kitayama
Business DevelopmentTsunekazu Kimura
Launch ServiceRyota Kubo
Business DevelopmentHiroshi Kurihara
Launch ServiceShogo Suzuki
Business DevelopmentYudai Sumino
Business DevelopmentKohei Takami
Business DevelopmentKenta Tsutsui
Launch ServiceMitoko Nagaoka
Launch ServiceNatsumi Nakai
ISS Platform BusinessYukiko Nishimura
EducationKana Hibi
Launch ServiceYosuke Hoshino
EducationKosuke Maeda
Launch ServiceYuichiro Yamada
Business DevelopmentHirokazu Yokoyama
Business Advisor Business DevelopmentRyuichi Sato
Leadership Team
Head of Engineering / CTOTetsuya Honda
Business Development
Manager / EngineerTadahiko Sano
Manager / EngineerYuki Toyoshima
Manager / EngineerSatoru Nakahara
Senior EngineerAkihiro Wakimura
Senior EngineerTetsuro Mizuno
EngineerKyoichi Akiyama
EngineerYoichi Imai
EngineerHidetaka Okada
EngineerKohei Kojima
EngineerShun Sakamoto
EngineerTakaya Sakurai
EngineerYuya Suzuki
EngineerKazuyuki Takao
EngineerMasahiro Takakusagi
Business Development / EngineerHoshiko Nakata
EngineerToru Haraguchi
EngineerYuko Harada
EngineerTakumi Horiuchi
EngineerKazuya Mozumi
EngineerShinnosuke Yoshida
EngineerMitsunori Yonemaru
Head of People and Organizational DesignKensuke Terashima
Public Relations & RecruitingHaruna Iizuka
AccoutingMasayuki Usui
AccountingTakeshi Oishi
AccountingNorihide Kanehara
AccountingShizume Ono
DesignerDaisuke Sugimoto
General affairs & AccountingKentaro Suzuki
RecruitingMinako Noguchi
AccountingSatoshi Hagihara
ITHiroshi Hara
Public Relations & RecruitingMako Fukuda
Brand AdvisorHiroto Hori
In Sept 2017, Masatoshi co-founded Space BD Inc. where he assumed the position of Co-Founder & CEO. As a seasoned expert in business development, he embarks on his new challenge in the space industry.
Previously he founded Nagasaki & Co. in 2014 where he mainly engaged in business development in the field of education. Notable projects include AOKI Global Entrepreneurship Project, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Entrepreneur Education Promotion Project. He is also an invited researcher at Waseda University Transnational HRM Research Institute, and a research fellow for Yokohama National University Growth Strategy Research Center.
Prior, he served at Mitsui & Co., Ltd., one of the biggest conglomerate in Japan, and spent 11 years working in steel making and mineral resources (iron ore) industries, covered trading and business development positions including joint venture development in Brazil and Australia for 4 years in total.
He graduated from Waseda University with a bachelor’s degree in education.

Kenji Yasuno joined Mitsubishi Corporation in 1980. He worked in the Aerospace Division, where he was engaged in the very first project in the first aircraft leasing business for the company. He lived for seven years in New York in the United States, and after his return to Japan he was appointed to the member of Corporate Planning Department, where he was involved in formulating overall company management initiatives and approach, etc. In 2001 he newly established the Airline Business Unit, combining aircraft leasing and civil aviation related agency business, as the Unit Manager. In 2008 he was appointed to the first president in charge of launching the aircraft leasing business company MC Aviation Partners Inc. In 2010 he was dispatched to Singapore as the branch head, and was promoted to Senior Vice President of Mitsubishi Corporation in 2011. In 2014 he returned to Japan, where he was appointed to the head of the Ship & Aerospace Division. In this role he contributed to the expansion of the company’s aerospace business until 2017.
In 2017 he was appointed managing executive officer at Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co., Ltd. (now Mitsubishi HC Capital Inc.), and he went on to be senior managing executive officer and advisor. In April 2023 he was appointed Executive Vice President for Space BD Inc.

After joining Mitsubishi Corporation in 2005, he worked for about 7 years in supply chain reform through OEM production transactions for global brands. In 2011 he was seconded to Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd., where he contributed to growth in the apparel business, and in 2014 he was sent to London where he became the Deputy Managing Director of MUJI Europe Holdings. He led various management reforms and achieved a turnaround in the European business. After returning to Japan in 2017, he worked in the payment platform business before being seconded to Hey Co., Ltd., providers of a digital platform for small teams, in 2020 following an investment and serving as Executive Officer and Head of the Business Development division.

Tetsuya joined Space BD as a senior engineer.
He had engaged in developing the ISS Kibo external experiment platform at IHI Corporation from the early stage. Later, he had worked at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to develop the IVA-Replaceable Small Exposed Experiment Platform (i-SEEP) and other experiment equipment.

IncubateFund General Partner
Worked for 8 and a half years in the investment department at JAFCO Co., Ltd., involved in investment development tasks in the front line. Started their own venture capital business in 1999. Since then he launched and managed 13 venture capital funds with a total of 40 billion yen. Consistently specialized in the initiation period, while also carrying out investment development.
Since July 2019, he is the Chairman of the Japan Venture Capital Association.

During his over 25 years working for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, he participated in design, development and operation of series of launch vehicles. After taking charge of design and development of the Japanese space shuttle HOPEX and ISS Kibo, he was dedicated to promoting the H2A rocket launch service in overseas market. From 2021, he has started to work at the Tokyo University of Science to train the next generation of space engineers and conduct research on space transportation systems. Member of the Board of Directors at the Japan Space Liner Association. A fellow at the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences.

Sayaka engaged in accounting audit and advisory services, etc. at Aarata Audit Corporation (now PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata LLC) from 2006, and subsequently handled the development and operation of internal controls and compliance in the administrative department of a foreign telecom company’s Japanese entity. After that she engaged in forensic services, among others, at PwC Advisory LLC.
Sayaka is a Certified Public Accountant.

Kendo graduated from Hokkaido University Law School in 1995, and joined Nippon Long-Term Credit Bank (now Shinsei Bank).
In 2000, he joined the subsidiary company of Intelligence (now Persol) as a director, after which he became the managing director in 2002. In 2006, he established Executive Board Co., Ltd., and Juristic Co., Ltd., where he currently serves as the representative director.
Kendo has been providing organisational and business support from the time of Nagasaki & Co., the predecessor of Space BD.

Joined Mitsubishi Corporation, Energy Business Group in 1980 where he was engaged in retail business of petroleum products, including wholesale to gas stations in Japan, then in global marketing of carbon materials with over 70 countries.
He was then assigned, in 1994, to Mitsubishi International Corporation, New York, for almost 6 years, and during this term, he was involved in the antitrust trial, U.S. vs. Ucar International, to negotiate with the Department of Justice, and took the stand in the grand-jury and the federal court in Philadelphia to defend Mitsubishi Corporation.
Back to Tokyo in 2000, he supervised variety of investment businesses in Japan and overseas, including the U.S., Mainland-China, and South Korea, then appointed as Chief HR Officer of the Group, and further assigned to a member of the Advisory board of Investment & Credit Committee of the Company to actively participate in decision-making process of every investment business and project of the Company.
In 2012, he was named as Executive Officer in charge of E&P business of worldwide petroleum and natural gas, then in 2015, he took office as president of Chubu office, covering central regions of Japan, to promote various projects of MRJ (Mitsubishi Regional Jet) and many others.
And in 2017, he was assigned to standing Advisor to the Energy Business Group.
In October, 2018 to date, he has served CEO of Dainichi Concrete Company, cum Group COO of Dainichi group of companies.

Graduated from the University of Washington in 2016 majored in Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering. During her undergraduate study, Mia was engaged in designing and analyzing shock absorption mechanisms of Origami-based metamaterials.
After graduation, Mia started her career at National Instruments Corporation as an engineer, then took her role as an account manager for a major automotive OEM, electrical equipment manufacturer, and research institute providing from the development strategy centering on test automation to engineering support for the operation phase. Mia has participated in Space BD and is engaging in expanding overseas business opportunities and collaborative opportunities with companies around the world.

Joined AGC Inc. in 2012, and worked on the development of glass material at the firm’s main research center. In 2016 Shuji proposed the establishment of a new business category in the life science field, and gained experience in R&D, production, and sales. He was appointed as leader of the business development team and took charge of project management.
He works on developing business themed on ‘space x life science’ in Space BD.

After graduating from Hosei University in 2016, Ryo joined Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC where he was in charge of formulating strategies (new business development, mid-to-long-term management strategies, etc.) and overseeing operations (operational reform, cost reduction, new company establishment, etc.) of a wide range of projects, gaining extensive experience in the import/export, consumer goods, electric machinery, and food industries.
His goal is to develop Space BD as Japan’s first global leader in space business and to help people gain a closer relationship with space.

Tadahiko joined the National Space Development Agency of Japan (present: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)) in April 1993. After his work on the maintenance and operations of launch pad facilities at the Tanegashima Space Center, he was involved in the development of the JEM Exposed Facility and Pressurized Module, HTV Technical Demonstration Vehicle, and CALET. He was then involved in the conceptual study of a large geostationary satellite bus, and was engaged in the development of the Engineering Test Satellite 9 and large Hall thruster.

Graduated from the Graduate School of Engineering at Hokkaido University in 2009, and during that time he had the experience of researching closed ecological life-support systems (CELSS). Yuki joined Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation, and for about 12 years he worked on the development and operational support of experimental devices used on board the Japanese Experimental Module Kibo on the International Space Station.
At Space BD he primarily is responsible for development and operational support of experimental devices used on Small Exposed Experiment Platform (i-SEEP) attached to the outside of Kibo. He is from Hokkaido.

Graduated from Osaka Metropolitan University School of Engineering with a degree in aerospace engineering. Qualified aerospace engineer; work focuses on heat control systems; projects include: development and operation of satellites; development and operation of the exposed facility of Japan’s Kibo module on the ISS; development and operation of payloads for attachment to the exposed facility, focusing on thermal control systems; development of control systems, other systems, and products for aircraft engines, defense equipment, and general industrial equipment, and business operations related thereto.

Completed a master’s course in Applied Science at Waseda University.
Worked for IHI Aerospace developing the space station system and the on-board experimental device. A certified first-class radiation protection supervisor, Akihiro was in charge of the CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET), a device to perform high precision observations of electrons and gamma rays.

Tetsuro graduated from Kyoto University with a Master’s Degree in the School of Engineering, Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering , and a Bachelor’s in the School of Global Engineering.
Before joining the company, Tetsuro joined Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation, where he engaged in user integration for controllers and experimental equipment installed on the ISS.
Cooperation with JAXA / United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs from the experience of technical support for selected countries from the first time of KiboCUBE, he decided to contribute to the wider space development of the international community and joined Space BD. Hobbies are diving, climbing and watching movies.

Daisuke graduated with a Master’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Alabama in 2008. He then joined IHI Co., Ltd. and took part in a wide range of operations related to aircraft engine life cycle business as an engineer of aircraft engines. In 2018, he moved to the company's space division and participated in new business development using satellite data.
Daisuke experienced international sales and business development in Space BD. From February 2020 to October 2020, he engaged in the developing new business such as environmental testing equipment export services at Corporate Strategy. Since November 2020, he has led overseas exporting projects of the space equipment and related services at the Business Development team.

Shinichiro graduated from the Faculty of Education at Kyoto University. He worked for two years in Osaka Prefecture as a junior high school teacher, and then he served as an attendant at the Japan Pavilion at the Milan Expo 2015. Upon his return to Japan he worked in the IT monozukuri department at LITALICO Inc. developing content and operating classrooms for children. After this Shinichi worked on developing workshops that used Lego® blocks at the amusement park LEGOLAND Japan. He also facilitated classes at elementary schools and universities.

Graduated from Aoyama Gakuin University in 2011, and joined Fast Retailing Co., Ltd. After working in domestic sales for the UNIQLO brand, Kyohei was assigned to product planning for international markets. With the mission of maximizing sales and profits in UNIQLO's overseas markets, Kyohei collaborated with various business partners to implement and support the product planning PDCA.
Kyohei is a member of the Business Development team at Space BD. He is focused on shaping future society through the development of the space industry.

Kyoichi graduated from the Tohoku University Graduate School in March 2019. He subsequently joined Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. He engaged in aircraft airframe inspection and maintenance (mainly in charge of engines), multiple business improvement projects in the maintenance department, business management, and promotion of digital transformation (DX).
He engages in satellite integration and technical coordination for the smallsatellite deployment business from the ISS. He also utilizes his experience in multiple technical fields to develop new businesses as an engineer aiming to connect space and non-space. He is from Shizuoka Prefecture.

Makoto joined Mitsubishi Corporation in 1988, where he engaged in energy and industrial infrastructure development (petroleum, chemicals, natural gas, steel, transportation systems, green energy transition, etc.) worldwide in the business development and corporate staff departments. Overseas, he was seconded to a new business development joint venture with a US engineering company, served as manager of the machinery department of the Houston branch in the US, and served as the head of all company offices in New Delhi, among other roles, where he developed infrastructure projects that contribute to energy security in Japan and the Asia-Pacific region, among other projects. At Space BD he works to create new value in the space business as a part of the future creation office, and contributes to the expansion of the new space industry out of Japan.

Graduated from Nippon Sport Science University (NSSU), Faculty of Sport Science, in 2020. Participated in activities to help primary and junior high school students learn to become independent and was also involved in the planning and operation of university events during her university years. Focused on studying the academic and physical difference in the performances of primary, junior and senior high school students in Japan and abroad.
After graduating from NSSU, Momori worked for the theme park, Legoland Japan, and took charge of the operation of assembly and programming workshops using Lego® blocks.

Born in Chiba. Graduated from Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Systems Design in 2022 with a doctorate in aerospace systems engineering. Researched shock-absorbing materials for lunar landing module demonstration testing. Joined an electronics manufacturer and worked on electrical designs for office equipment before joining Space BD as an engineer. Aims to make space travel and utilization an ordinary part of daily life.

David attended international schools from an early age, and he joined Space BD as a new graduate after graduating from the Faculty of International Social Sciences at Gakushuin University in 2024. In university, he mainly focused on business, finance, and social sciences, and was also enrolled in a seminar that studied corporate and financial analysis from an accounting perspective. In addition, he worked as an intern for about 4 years, mainly in the retail business, hotel business, and social welfare business, working on new customer development and operations. He joined Space BD because of the potential of the space industry and the unique culture of a startup.

Hidetaka graduated from the Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University in 2012. He worked as an SE at NEC Corporation and Hitachi, Ltd.
He was responsible for projects to develop sales systems and core business systems for clients in the broadcasting and railroad industries.
As a project leader, he engages in system design, operation, and maintenance work.

After graduating from the Faculty of Engineering at Chiba University,
Shoki joined SIGMAXYZ Holdings Inc. in 2018, where he worked on new
business development, cost reductions, digital transformation (DX), and
formulating and executing business operations transformation. He worked
with numerous companies, including major Japanese IT companies, telecom,
logistics, and manufacturing companies. Shoki works on developing
microgravity environment experiment services for the International Space
Station Kibo at the Business Development in Space BD. Shoki aims to make
using space more familiar to people.

Graduated from the Keio University Faculty of Economics in 2016.Joined Sojitz and was Assigned to airport-related sales department; worked on overseas airport M&A deals and Japanese airport concessions. Subsequently joined Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory and worked on planning corporate restructuring, sales reform, and joint ventures for clients mainly in the automobile and electronics industries.

Tomohiro graduated from Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Graduate School of Systems Design at Tokyo Metropolitan University in 2016.
He entered Toshiba Mitsubishi-Electric Industrial Systems Corporation, where he worked in technical sales focused on Japanese steel and non-ferrous metal companies for approx. 8 years.
At Space BD he works in the launch service business. He is from Kanagawa Prefecture.

Tsunekazu joined NEC Corporation in 1983, where he first engaged in the development of rocket guidance and control computers, and then the design & development of onboard equipment for the International Space Station, satellites, and aircraft, sensor systems such as SAR, and spatial information systems. He was seconded to the National Space Development Agency of Japan (now JAXA), and after studying at Purdue University he drove business execution in various roles, including project manager, department head, and as the person in charge of new business promotion. In 2019 he was appointed director of Quasi-Zenith Satellite System Services Inc., where he was responsible for the management of the company responsible for the operation of critical national space systems and service provision. He aims to create and expand space utilization business by leveraging his consistent and broad experience in the aerospace field, from aerospace design and development to company management.

Joined Nippon Life Insurance in 2013. Stationed in India for two years after two years in insurance sales, performance analysis, and strategy in Japan. Reassigned to recruiting upon return to Japan and set up recruiting methods to meet new realities in the Covid-affected era; also involved in management strategy and new business of domestic group companies. Joined Space BD determined to make the space industry a friendlier, more familiar part of everyday life.

At IHI Corporation and IHI Aerospace Co., Ltd., Hiroshi worked on the design of ORU (Orbital Replacement Unit) integration, EVA (Extravehicular Activity) support, and other tasks for the Exposed Facility of the International Space Station, and he was also project manager for satellite thruster development. In addition to design work, he also worked on quality control and procurement of purchased goods, including overseas. He graduated from the department of mechanical systems engineering at Kanazawa University.

Born in Wakayama. Earned a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in aerospace Engineering from the University of Tokyo, and received his doctorate in 2021 in structural space engineering from the University of Tsukuba. Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in 2004 after completing undergraduate studies, and worked mainly on design and testing of aerospace products such as engines and valves for H-2A/H-2B/H3 rockets, chemical and electric propulsion for spacecraft, ramjet engines and attitude control devices for defense. Came to Space BD in 2023 to work on launch services. Member of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences .

At Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group, Shun engaged in customer support operations for the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, including aircraft failure investigation support, project management from on-site investigation of aviation accidents to implementation of countermeasures, and process design for IT system deployment, among other duties. Subsequently, he was involved in project management and architectural design to overhaul the logistical support operations to maximize aircraft mobility in new aircraft development, and he was also involved in the study of aircraft serviceability requirements.

In 2013 Sakurai graduated from the Division of Integrated Science and Engineering at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering at Teikyo University. During his time there he had the experience of participating in small satellite development.
As a new grad he joined IHI Scube Co., Ltd. (later transferring to IHI Inspection & Instrumentation Co., Ltd. through a department transfer), where he engaged in development and operational support for devices used inside the International Space Station (ISS) and rocket launch support operations, among other duties.
At Space BD he works as a business development engineer. He is from Hyogo Prefecture.

After graduating from the School of International Liberal Studies at Waseda University in 2017, Shogo joined Mitsubishi Corporation. During his time there he engaged in management of investment target companies in the iron and steel industry, exports to Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, Southwest Asia, and Australia, and trilateral transactions. He also worked to secure stable procurement of chemicals that serve as raw materials for the semiconductor industry.
He aims to further grow the space industry through partnership with companies in Japan and abroad through the satellite deployment project.

Yuya graduated from the Department of Aerospace and Marine System Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University in 2020.
He joined Nikkei, Inc. as a new grad, and in the science & technology department he engaged in reporting and writing articles on university and research institutes, and at the Niigata office he engaged in reporting and writing articles on the manufacturing industry, etc.
At Space BD he works as a business development engineer. He is from Hyogo Prefecture.

Yudai completed his studies in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Graduate School of Engineering at Kyoto University in 2022. During his time in university his primary research topic was the application of origami engineering to shock absorption.
Subsequently he joined Bain & Company as a new grad, where he primarily engaged in strategy support (overall company strategy, mid term business plans, IR strategy) for leading companies in Japan and overseas. He gained ample experience in the telecommunications and food industries, among others, with a focus on manufacturing.
At Space BD he works in launch services, and aims to create a world-class space business in Japan. He is from Osaka Prefecture.

Graduated from Nagoya University Graduate School and joined IHI Corporation in 2017 where he worked on production engineering of aircraft engine parts and new product development. Kazuyuki went on to work for Interstellar Technologies Inc. and designed and developed engines for observation and orbital rockets.

Masahiro graduated from the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Course in the School of Engineering at Tokai University. He then joined an elevator company as an engineer. At Space BD he works as an engineer, and his motto is "making space a part of life."

After graduating from the School of Engineering, Osaka University, Kohei joined a general electrical manufacturer. He engaged in market research, marketing strategy planning, and other efforts for business expansion in the sales department of the factory automation business. Subsequently he joined a general consulting firm, where he pursued business development projects leveraging digital technology and data for clients in a variety of fields and industries including sports, entertainment, banking, and telecommunications.

Kenta studied marine biology at the University of Oregon, and after returning to Japan he conducted research on deep-sea organisms, performing genetic and protein analysis, at JAMSTEC and Yokohama City University. In 2018 he joined Life Technologies Japan Ltd. (Thermo Fisher Scientific Group), where he lead the mammalian cell-based protein synthesis service and built several new services. At Space BD he aims to encourage collaboration between space and biology, and accelerate the use of space in the field of life science.

Born in Tokyo. Graduated from Hosei University. Joined a major food producer and was assigned to wide-area sales department. Worked on product planning and development, sales promotion strategies, and setting up private brands. Subsequently joined Space BD as assistant business developer. Hopes to harness the potential of the space industry to make society sustainable.

Since her graduation, Natsumi has been mainly involved in import/export operations. While working for a foreign manufacturer, she was involved in inventory control and quality control at warehouses in Japan and overseas. At Space BD, she works as a business development assistant.

Hoshiko graduated in 2014, majoring in Risk Engineering from the Graduate School of Systems and Information Enginesering, from the University of Tsukuba. She then joined Advanced Engineering Services Co., Ltd. as an engineer to work on engineering design and manufacturing. In 2017, she was in charge of coordination work with Asian countries to utilize the Kibo, Japanese Experiment Module. Hoshiko joined Space BD in December 2019, where she was involved mainly in the space education business at the Corporate Strategy Department. Since November 2020, she has been engaged with the user integration for J-SSOD and i-SEEP projects as an Engineer.

Toru graduated from Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Graduate School of Systems Design at Tokyo Metropolitan University in 2022. During his time as a student, he conducted research on the development of evaluation methods and performance evaluation of hybrid rockets using genetic algorithms. After that, he worked for a systems development company developing web systems for the travel industry. As a business development engineer at Space BD, he aims to create a world in which people can feel closer to space. He was born in Chiba Prefecture.

Yuko graduated from the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide Aviation Maintenance program.
After working on quality assurance for electrical components for defense and space rockets during the development and mass production phases, as well as type certification for electrical systems for commercial aircraft, she engaged in the operation of the airlock and robotic arm of the Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo" in the International Space Station.
She then joined Astroscale Holdings Inc. and worked on the operational design of the space debris removal demonstration satellite.

Kana graduated from the Faculty of Human Development at Kobe University in 2017. During her time in university she researched school education. In the same year she joined CELM Inc., where she worked in consulting sales for major domestic companies. She identified issues related to people and organizations, created proposals, and provided support for implementation to achieve corporate strategy. She joined Space BD in 2024. She aims to expand the potential for humanity and create new value through her involvement in fostering the next generation of talent that leverages space.

Originally from Niigata Prefecture. Graduated in 2007 from Chuo University and entered Nippon Steel Trading Corporation where he was assigned to the sales division selling steel products in overseas markets. After working on the export of steel plates, Yosuke spent six years in Singapore following up on existing customers, from major corporations to mid and small size firms, and developing new leads. He also served as project manager on energy-related projects. After returning to Japan, Yosuke was put in charge of global marketing and sales of steel coils and semi-manufactured products. Also received an MBA degree from the Shizenkan University Graduate School of Leadership and Innovation.

Takumi completed his graduate studies at Nagoya University in 2017, where he conducted research on heat shields for atmospheric reentry vehicles. He then joined IHI Corporation, where he served as a member of the project team associated with aircraft engine development, overseeing general design, handling system design responsibilities, etc.
At Space BD, he works as an engineer primarily supporting the development and operation of experimental devices on the exterior platform of the International Space Station's Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo." His mission is to make access to space more accessible to everyone.

Kosuke graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the Faculty of Science and Technology at Keio University in 2016. During his time there, he conducted research on foot deformations when people walk. In the same year, he joined Recruit Co., Ltd. and worked in new graduate recruiting, planning recruiting strategies for clients and directing the production of advertisements. He was also involved in service design and sales promotion support for Recruit. After that, he worked at atama plus, where he was engaged in content development for educational services leveraging AI, and learning experience (UX) design.

Kazuya completed his studies in the Department of Aerospace and Marine-System Engineering at the Graduate School of Engineering at Osaka Prefecture University in 2023. As a new grad he joined Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., and at an aerospace systems company he worked on the development & design of next-generation civilian helicopters. As a business development engineer at Space BD, he aims to make services that use space a normal part of life. He is from Toyama Prefecture.

Originally from Osaka, Yuichiro graduated from Waseda University in 2018 and started working for C. Itoh and Company, importing pork mainly from North/Central America and Europe for three years, and spent another year in the sales of ingredients used at restaurants.
He is in charge of satellite launch projects in Space BD.

Hirokazu gained experience in planning operations related to aircraft parts maintenance and procurement at Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. He later joined AMIL Co., Ltd., where he contributed to the International Space Station (ISS) program, handling international coordination for launches, recoveries, and on-orbit experiments. After working at Axelspace Corp., he joined Space BD in January 2020. Initially involved in multiple satellite integration projects for the deployment of small satellites from the ISS (J-SSOD), he later took charge of launching small satellites as rideshare payloads aboard SpaceX's Falcon 9 and Japan's H3 Launch Vehicle.

Shinnosuke completed his program in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Graduate School of Systems Design at Tokyo Metropolitan University in 2021. After joining Canon Electronics Inc. as a new grad, he engaged in design and development of satellite components and rocket-related equipment as well as production engineering work. At Space BD, as a business development engineer he aims to expand the horizons of the space industry and create a world where the use of space is a matter of course. He is from Tokyo Prefecture.

Mitsunori joined Nissan Motor Corporation in 1990, where in the Aerospace Division (present IHI AEROSPACE) he worked on the development of the Logistics Module for the International Space Station. Following his experience in basic research work while seconded to JAXA, including development of highly reliable components for space use and radiation evaluation research, he then engaged in the development of defense equipment, design of rocket onboard electronics, and development of thrust control devices for various rockets.

Graduated from Sophia University in 2012, majoring in Science and Technology and studied neuronal migration in the brain.
Upon graduation, Haruna worked for Recruit Co., Ltd., and assisted clients in formulating their strategy for hiring staff and supported their recruitment process. Appointed in 2016 to work at the Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games where she was put in charge of organizational development and volunteer management. After returning to Recruit, Haruna served as a liaison for government relations, supporting the communications with government ministries and agencies.

After Masayuki graduated from the Faculty of Economics at Keio University in 2019, he joined Avantia GP. There he primarily engaged in audits of Tokyo Stock Exchange listed companies and companies preparing for IPO, as well as advisory services, among other duties. At Space BD, as a member of the corporate team he is responsible for management duties centered on accounting. He is a certified public accountant originally from Tochigi Prefecture.

After graduating from Chuo University, Takeshi worked in Japanese and foreign game and video-related companies, where he worked as a project manager as well as to launch and grow new businesses, and engaged in corporate planning.
In 2012 he joined Flowserve Japan Co., Ltd., where he engaged in management accounting.
He also served as accounting manager and controller, and was involved in financial closing, audit support, SOX controls, business improvement, budget management, forecasting, and forecast variance analysis, etc.

Originally from Tokyo, after graduating from the School of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University, Norihide became a Certified Public Accountant. Joined Ernst & Young ShinNihon (currently EY ShinNihon LLC) in 2008, where he gained 7 years of audit experience primarily in the oil and automotive industries. Subsequently worked at Oriental Land Co., Ltd., handling consolidated financial statements and disclosure-related tasks. In 2018, he joined ADDIX Co., Ltd., a company which helps prepare for an IPO, as Executive Officer in charge of management control, where he established administrative systems including accounting structures while concurrently serving as Head of IPO Preparation Office and Internal Audit Office.
He joined Space BD in 2025.

Shizume joined Kanto Seiki Co., Ltd. (present: Marelli Corporation) as a new grad in 1984. In 2020 he transferred to Marelli Cabin Comfort Japan (present: Highly Marelli Japan Corporation). He consistently worked in accounting-related departments. After the launch of a Mexico subsidiary, he worked as the head of the accounting & administrative department and was also responsible for institutional accounting, including the introduction of IFRS and the settlement & disclosure operations for the Japanese subsidiary. In management accounting he worked as the global controller (monthly management reporting, budgeting, forecasting and variance analysis, etc.). At Space BD, as a member of the corporate team he is responsible for accounting duties. He is from Saitama Prefecture.

After graduating from the Nihon University College of Art, he studied product design as a research assistant at the university. After that he worked as a motorcycle designer at Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. (now Kawasaki Motors, Ltd.), where he designed many flagship models and racing graphics. He has also worked in a wide range of other fields, including corporate & management of an apparel brand and architectural spatial design.
He leverages that experience at Space BD in his work as a designer and creative director.

Kentaro, orginally from Saitama prefecture, gained extensive experience in general affairs at a logistics company specializing in transportation and distribution. He then worked in corporate administration at a tax accounting, Human Resources, and systems consulting group, where he handled a wide range of corporate functions including general affairs, accounting, HR, labor management, recruitment, and administrative operations.
At Space BD, he focuses on accounting and general affairs.

Kensuke joined Recruit Co., Ltd. in 2005, where he worked on hiring consulting for sales organizations at large companies. He was frequently lauded, being named the department MVP and given the division award, among others. After that he worked in the fields of mediation and media, engaging in organization management with a team of about 40 people at the height. From 2019 he served as Executive Officer who supervised the management department at Fits Corporation K.K., where he engaged in transforming the HR system design and working style. From 2022 he worked at CELM Inc., where he promoted HR system design and hiring, among other HR initiatives across the company, as the person in charge of the HR department / group company director.

Minako worked in the fashion industry, engaging in apparel sales and fashion show planning/management. She later joined Nagasaki & Company Co., Ltd., the predecessor of Space BD.
At Space BD, she handles recruitment operations.

After graduating from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokyo in 2010, Satoshi has experienced all types of corporate work, centered on accounting operations for public organizations, such as earnings, audit support, and budget management. From 2023 he engaged in projects such as accounting operations transformations at a major consulting firm. At Space BD he works primarily on accounting operations as a member of the corporate team. He is from Nagano Prefecture.

After graduating from university, Hiroshi began his career at an systems integration (SIer) company. Later, he joined a company that provides information system support services and gained experience in the information system departments of several companies. At Space BD, he handles corporate IT, etc.

After graduating from Kwansei Gakuin University, Mako engaged in the education business as an international school manager. She worked in school operations, which included a wide range of duties from sales and HR to planning, and she promoted education that took on the challenge of addressing questions that don’t have answers. She joined Space BD in the Public Relations and Recruiting Unit in order to be part of a space business that is also working to realize something that does not have an answer.

Ryuichi graduated from a bachelor degree in Aerospace Engineering from University of Queensland, and a master degree in Space Engineering Delft University of Technology. After conducting his research on space mission design research at OHB Systems, a major German space company, he worked as a satellite data analysis engineer at the Portuguese Institute of Ocean & Atmospheric Studies, where he gained gained experience with satellite data. He returned to Japan in 2016 to take on a position as the MINERVA research fellow at the Japan-European Industrial Cooperation Center, where he conducted research on EU-Japan cooperation in the field of Earth observation products and services. Japan-Europe cooperation, involving market research, policy analysis, and user needs analysis. As the expert on European space sector, he provides analysis on business trends and policy developments for companies and ministries, and holds a broad range of knowledge and insight on not only on the technical aspects of space, but also on satellite data, space policy / international relations, and space business.

A brand strategy expert involved with Space BD as a Creative Advisor since 2022. With over two decades of career experience, primarily in multinational corporations, key positions have been held in marketing at globally recognized brands such as adidas, Levi’s, Nike, and LVMH. Later roles included leading strategic business initiatives as a Global Business Director at Rakuten. Holds a Bachelor’s degree from Gakushuin University, Faculty of Law, and has completed the Brand Management Program at Cornell University.