Space BD Selected as the First Launch Service Provider with H3 Rocket under JAXA-Small Satellite Rush Program (JAXA-SMASH). FY2025 planned H3 rocket launch.
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Space BD, a leading Japanese space startup, is proud to announce its selection as the launch service provider with Japan’s new flagship launcher, H3, under the “Small Satellite Rush Program” (JAXA-SMASH)
As the chosen provider, Space BD will launch the small satellite “VERTECS” of the Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech) with H3 rocket in 2025.
Left: Space BD also provided support for 2 small satellites loaded onto the second H3 rocket launched in February 2024 (Provided by JAXA) Right: Diagram of VERTECS in development (Provided by Kyushu Institute of Technology)
JAXA-SMASH is a research and development program that encourages universities, private sector, and JAXA to collaborate to realize small satellite missions utilizing commercial small launch opportunities, and to diversify transportation services in Japan. The program aims to contribute to “Small / Startup Company Space Industry Entry Catalyzation and Business Creation Support (Space Basic Plan 4.(4)(c)) and Space Basic Plan Schedule 13. Technology / Industry / Personnel Base Enhancement②),” etc. One of the missions selected in the phase transition review will begin the satellite development phase. This satellite, which will be developed over two years, will be launched by a private launch service provider selected by JAXA.
The launch transport service for this program is selected through a tiered procurement process. JAXA provides launch conditions to business operators who meet specific requirements for basic agreement open bids and have signed the basic agreement, then selects one company from the interested operators. The selection of Space BD marks the first procurement conducted through this program.
Space BD signed the basic agreement regarding launch transport service procurement for this program in March 2024, leading to the selection.
■ About Small Satellite “VERTECS” from Kyutech as representative
“VERTECS (Visible Extragalactic background RadiaTion Exploration by CubeSat)” is the small satellite selected in the first JAXA-SMASH small satellite mission open bid to achieve the mission of “Exploring Star Formation History by Observing Visible Extragalactic Light Using the 6U Satellite with High Precision Attitude Control.” This 6U size (approx. 10 cm x 20 cm x 30 cm) nano-satellite will be equipped with a small aperture telescope to observe extragalactic light to illuminate the history of star formation.
(Homepage URL: https://vertecs-project.com/).
■ Comment from Ryota Kubo, Business Development, Space BD
We are honored to have been selected as the launch service provider for the first JAXA-SMASH launch.
Space BD has experience with satellite deployments from the International Space Station and ridesharing services with a diverse array of rockets. For this launch transport service selection, we are the only launch provider who has signed the basic agreement for two launch and deployment methods. We expressed our interest in the launch conditions indicated, which were for ridesharing on the H3 rocket, and this led to our being able to provide support for this opportunity. We will leverage our experience with the second H3 rocket and come together as a team to give our all to contributing to the success of the VERTECS mission.
■ About Space BD
Space BD is a one-stop service provider of various solutions to foster commercial utilization of space. Ranging from launch of small satellites with commercial launchers as well as via the International Space Station, to supporting pharmaceutical research with protein crystallization in microgravity, Space Bd can support everything from business plan formulation and market research to hands-on technical operations. As of Oct 2024, Space BD has supported over 80 satellite projects from and over 450 related missions.
U R L:https://space-bd.com/en/