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Instituted: April 22, 2021

Space BD is mentioned in paper on development and preflight testing of piezoelectric Beta cloth

Space BD Inc. is mentioned in the paper “Large-Area Electronic Skins In Space: Vision and Preflight Characterization For First Aerospace Piezoelectric e-Textile.” Space BD has provided the utilization service of Exposed Experiment Handrail Attachment Mechanism (ExHAM) to the author Juliana Cherston.

Ms. Cherston developed a new textile named “SpaceSkin” at MIT’s Media Lab. SpaceSkin is the first aerospace piezoelectric e-textile that is able to sense the stimulation like humans’ skin. Moreover, SpaceSkin is expected to be applied to the future outer wall of the spacecraft and spacesuits because it is able to sense the attacks of space debris digitally. This is the first ExHAM project for Space BD.


Juliana Cherson’s full article :


See also:

MIT News :
MIT Media Lab :